Monday, August 2, 2010

BP to give $7M initial payout for Fla. ads

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Aug. 2, 2010 – As Northwest Florida businesses continue to struggle with the fears of oil along the Panhandle that is keeping travelers away, Gov. Charlie Crist announced BP will make a $7 million initial payment on money it promised to help advertise that the beaches are OK.

Crist announced Friday the money would go to the Northwest Florida Travel Council, even as he pressed the company for the rest of the $50 million he requested in June.

“While we are grateful the well has been capped – and pray that a complete seal of the well is achieved as soon as possible – there still remains a very real and constant threat to Florida’s $60-billion-a-year tourism industry,” Crist wrote to BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Shuttles.

The governor continued: “Unfortunately, images of damage from spill continue to appear in the media, thereby perpetuating the perception that Florida’s pristine beaches are contaminated by oil. For that reason, I must continue to urge BP to recognize that the impact of the oil spill extends far beyond the coastal counties of Northwest Florida.

“While the $7 million you have committed to the Northwest Florida Travel Council is certainly appreciated, we continue to believe these funds fall drastically short of the need throughout the Sunshine State.”

Source: News Service of Florida

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