Monday, August 30, 2010

5 things to know about Facebook Places and your privacy

DETROIT – Aug. 30, 2010 – Facebook has brought the geo-tracking phenomenon to the masses. But there are pitfalls.

And, even if you’re not on Facebook, there are some things you need to know about the new check-in service Places to protect your privacy.

Location services like Foursquare and Gowalla – which allow users to “check in” to places, sharing their precise current location with a group of friends using GPS technology on smart phones – have grown considerably this year, but have nowhere near Facebook’s market-leading 500 million-plus active users.

For some, Facebook has been a safe way to stay in touch with friends in a mostly closed environment. The dawning of Places, though, calls some of that into question.

The unveiling of Places last week set off some hand-wringing over the increasing intrusions the social Web is making into our everyday lives.

All Facebook users are now, by default, part of the Places ecosystem. And, even if you’re not a Facebook member, someone in your home could create a listing on your behalf – whether you want him to or not.

Here’s what you need to know to be safe and informed.

1. Friends can share your location
Facebook lets your friends check you in to locations without your consent.

This means that when you’re out for a night on the town, a friend can check in and tell Facebook everyone he or she is with. Then, all your Facebook connections know where you are, even if you didn’t want to share your location with the whole World Wide Web.

To turn off this feature, head deep into your privacy settings and disable the entry called “Friends can check me in Places.”

2. Strangers can see you nearby
Even if you choose to be seen only by your friends, you could still be showing up to strangers when they check into the same location under a section called “People Here Now.” This is intended to show Facebook users who else is at the coffee shop, movie theater, restaurant, etc.

You can disable this under “Things I share” in Facebook’s privacy settings.

3. Place listings are public
It’s important to know that Facebook Place listings – the pages created when you check into a new place – are public. So, if you create a listing to check into your house when you get home from work, that page – say, “Mark W. Smith’s house” – is searchable on the Web even for those who aren’t connected with you on Facebook or even have a Facebook account.

Each page also automatically includes a handy interactive map – powered by Microsoft’s Bing – to locate the exact location. So don’t check into your house if you don’t want the entire Internet knowing exactly where you live.

If you’re curious if a listing has been created for your home or other private place, launch on a GPS-enabled smart phone. Under Places, you’ll be able to see a listing of nearby Facebook locations.

4. Opportunities for businesses
Facebook allows business owners to manage the page that pools the check-ins of its patrons. Page owners can then use that page to keep customers updated on new services, merchandise, menu items, etc.

First you have to prove to Facebook that you own the business you’re trying to manage online. To do so, click the link that says, “Is this your business?” and follow the instructions to take ownership. You’ll need to supply proof by attaching a digital copy of a business license or certificate of incorporation.

5. Integration should be coming
Facebook says it is partnering with the previous location leaders Foursquare and Gowalla so that users of those services can send their location to Facebook Places automatically. These connections have not yet been enabled, though, and it’s unclear how willing other location services will be to play nice with Facebook, which will almost undoubtedly render their services obsolete.

© 2010 Detroit Free Press

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