Thursday, April 30, 2009

30 days to hurricane season: time for flood insurance

WASHINGTON – April 30, 2009 – The Atlantic hurricane season starts June 1 – 30 days from now. Since flood insurance takes 30 days to become effective after a homeowner applies, today marks Floridians last chance to get flood insurance by the June 1 debut.

“Past hurricane seasons have shown that storms can form as early as the beginning of June, so property owners can’t afford to wait to buy flood insurance,” says Ed Connor, acting federal insurance administrator and acting assistant administrator, FEMA Mitigation Directorate.

Many homeowners still wrongly believe that their property insurance policy will cover all damage from a hurricane.

“Homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flood damage and, without flood insurance, property owners may have to absorb the financial losses on their own,” says Connor. “Just a few inches of water can cost thousands of dollars in repairs and, in this economy, few can afford that potential drain on their savings.”

Flood insurance is available through about 85 insurance companies in approximately 20,600 participating communities nationwide. National flood insurance is available to renters, business owners and homeowners, even if it is not required by the terms of a mortgage. While the average flood insurance policy costs about $540 a year, homeowners can protect their properties in moderate-to low-risk areas with lower cost Preferred Risk Policies (PRPs) that start at just $119 a year.

Individuals can learn how to prepare for floods, how to purchase a flood insurance policy and the benefits of protecting their properties against flooding by visiting ( or calling (800) 427-2419.


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