Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What's That '+1 Button' All Over the Internet?

Google recently launched the “+1 button” and you’ll spot it on a range of Web sites from YouTube and Blogger to the Washington Post and many others. Google added the +1 button to its search engine three months ago but is now making the “+1 button” available to other Web sites to add.

So what is it?

The button is similar to Facebook’s Like button. You click the +1 button when you think “this is pretty cool” or when you want to say “you should check this out” when viewing Web sites, according to Google.

The button gives you the ability to vote on Web sites and advertisements (the button can appear next to the headline of search ads), and the information is then used to tailor search results for you and your contacts.

For example, "with a single click you can recommend that raincoat, news article, or favorite sci-fi movie to friends, contacts, and the rest of the world,” writes Google software engineer Evan Gilbert in a blog post. “The next time your connections search, they could see your +1's directly in their search results, helping them find your recommendations when they're most useful."

You’ll need to be signed into your Google Account to see when friends and contacts have endorsed certain Web pages using the +1 button.

Google says it hopes the added button will help improve click-through rates for content and advertising and is encouraging Web site owners to add the button to their Web pages to get their search results to stand out more.

Source: “Google Rolls Out +1 Button for Web Sites,” TechSpot

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