Friday, May 6, 2011

What Celebrities Desire in Homes

Daily Real Estate News  |  May 6, 2011  |   Share
What Celebrities Desire in Homes
Celebrities often have slightly different priorities when shopping for a home than the average home buyer. Here are a few top items often found on their priority list when home-shopping, according to the Zillow Blog.

1. Privacy. Most often a top priority, celebrities usually want a gated, secured home. “It’s a huge issue,” says Jade Mills, a Coldwell Banker real estate pro who has worked with actress Jennifer Aniston. “They want to be able to come home and get away from the paparazzi and want privacy when they go into their yard. They usually have foliage [and] hedges so that people can’t look in.” Ultra-privacy goes for condos too. For example, Aniston recently bought a penthouse condo in New York City, as well as the floor directly beneath it, to ensure more privacy.

2. Giant closets. Celebs can’t hold all of that glam without lots of oversized closets. “A lot of the female celebrities and even the male, love giant closets—over-the-top closets—because they have a tremendous amount of clothes,” says Gary Gold of Hilton & Hyland in Beverly Hills. Some celebrities may even convert extra rooms into expansive, customized closets.

3. Home theaters. They also want a comfortable place to view themselves on screen. Home theaters are often high on their priority list, says Mauricio Umansky of Hilton & Hyland in Los Angeles. “They’re in that business and they expect it,” Umansky says.

4. Hobby rooms. Celebrities also tend to like flexible spaces--rooms that are blank slates that they can transform into whatever they desire, whether that’s a hair salon, home office, or even a guest house. “Each [celebrity] has their own thing and needs a hobby room, a studio, a dark room, or a computer room,” Umansky says.

But, of course, celebrities--just like any other buyer--may have a few odd requests from time to time too. Gold says he once had to try to find a place for a celebrity that could accommodate his 9-month-old, 160-pound mountain lion.

Source: “What Do Celebrities Want in a Home?” Zillow Blog (May 2, 2011)

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