Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tips to help owners spot foreclosure scams

WASHINGTON – Sept. 15, 2010 – Last year, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission identified 71 companies running suspicious foreclosure rescue ads. This year, the Better Business Bureau named foreclosure rescue rip-offs among its top 10 scams.

Here are just two common scams identified in the September “Foreclosure Resource Guide” now available at the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) Realtor Content Resource:

• A representative of a so-called foreclosure rescue company promises to negotiate a deal with your lender, instructing you not to contact your lender, lawyer or credit counselor during the supposed negotiations. After you pay an up-front fee or a few months of mortgage payments, the scam artist disappears.

• A scam artist promises to fend off foreclosure in exchange for an up-front fee. Instead of getting you legitimate relief, the fraudster pockets the fee and secretly files a bankruptcy case in your name.

Also covered in the “Foreclosure Resource Guide” are free tips on what to do immediately if you’re facing foreclosure, five foreclosure pros you need on your team, what foreclosure counselors can and can’t do, and website resources for foreclosure help.

NAR’s Realtor Content Resource is an exclusive member benefit that entitles Realtors to download free homeownership content from HouseLogic to your consumer website, blog, or e-newsletter. HouseLogic is NAR’s consumer website geared to helping homeowners make smart decisions to enhance, maintain and protect the value of their home.

For more information, go to the Realtor® Content Resource at:

© 2010 Florida Realtors®

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