Sunday, January 24, 2010

Realtors donate $550K so far to Haiti relief

WASHINGTON – Jan. 22, 2010 – The Realtors® Relief Foundation of the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) is contributing $550,000 to relieve victims of the Haiti earthquake, and is calling upon its 1.2 million members to help.

In partnership with NAR, Florida Realtors® made a $10,000 contribution and is currently collecting individual donations to help the Haitian people at its annual Mid-Winter Meetings running through Sunday.

“We have all been deeply touched by the horrific damage and loss of life caused by the earthquake in Haiti,” says Florida Realtors® President Wendell Davis. “It is in challenging situations such as this that Realtors come together to, once again, show that their compassion and devotion to community are unmatched.”

Florida Realtors’ Leadership Team, led by Davis, decided to contribute $10,000, earmarked for Haitian relief efforts, to NAR’s Realtors Relief Foundation.

“Our thoughts and feelings go out to the people made homeless by this disaster,” says NAR President Vicki Cox Golder. “Realtors have a history of helping people, as we did after the 2004 tsunami struck South Asia and in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.”

The Foundation is donating $500,000 to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, which is supporting earthquake recovery efforts with immediate and long-term support to earthquake survivors. Former U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush head the fund. A $50,000 contribution has already been made to The Harvest of Haiti, founded by a 2007 winner of Realtor Magazine’s Good Neighbor Awards, Patrick Moore.

Florida Realtors not attending the meetings this week may also contribute to the relief effort. Send checks, payable to “Realtors Relief Foundation,” to:

Dave Garrison, Vice President of Finance and Administration
Florida Realtors
P.O. Box 725025
Orlando, FL 32822-5017

© 2010 Florida Realtors®

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