Friday, August 28, 2009

Survey: People moving for happier reasons

ORLANDO, Fla. – Aug. 28, 2009 – People have gone back to moving in hopes it will improve their lives rather than moving to escape foreclosure or other aspects of the economic crisis, according to a survey of recent movers released this month by

In the June survey, nearly 42 percent said they were in the process of buying a home or planning to buy one. Poll participants said their reason for moving was:

• To live in a bigger or better home (26 percent).
• To live in a better neighborhood or area (24 percent).
• To be closer to family or friends (12 percent).
• To live in an area with a lower cost of living (9 percent).
• To accommodate a change in marital status (6 percent).

Moving because of school, job loss, retirement or foreclosure each generated 3 percent or less.

Responses to this survey are substantially different from the responses to a similar survey in March, when 41 percent said the recession was, at least partially, driving their move.


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