Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bank of America revises short sale policy

NEW YORK – May 19, 2009 – Bank of America, one of the country’s largest mortgage lenders, says it is loosening its policies on short sales in response to the U.S. Treasury Department’s announcement last week that it would increase incentives for lenders to work out short sale deals.

The government’s plan is a boon to banks, says David Sunline, BofA’s real estate management executive, because it provides guidance when there are multiple liens, a potentially litigious issue for lenders.

In the past, the bank followed Fannie Mae’s policy of giving second lien holders about 10 percent of the second mortgage balance in a short sale. Now when it holds the second lien, BofA will accept 5 percent of the net proceeds of the short sale, Sunline says. When it is the first lien holder, it will offer 5 percent to the holder of the second lien.

Sunline says homeowners considering short sales should contact the bank within five days of getting an offer on the home and expect its cooperation as long as the offer is within the range of other sales in the area and the borrower can demonstrate financial hardship.

Source: The New York Times, Bob Tedeschi (05/15/2009)

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